Turkish Delight, also called Lokum, is quite possibly the most popular bit of Turkish cooking and one of Turkey’s most noteworthy commodities. Despite the fact that you might be aware of and love the sweet treats, you may not have the foggiest idea about its starting point or how it pathed its way to Great Britain and the remainder of the western world.
In this blog, we will discuss the legend behind Lokum, its creation and its excursion abroad. As one of Turkish food’s unique sugary treats, it has a very fascinating story to tell.
Customary Lokum goes back north of 500 years with the legend of its origin coming from the Ottoman Court and Sultan Abdul Hamid. The story goes that Sultan Abdul Hamid was experiencing issues with his many spouses and fancy women, and felt that the key to prevailing upon them would be through food.
Under this declaration, Hamid called the best confectioners inside his domain to make a treat that would be flavorful to such an extent that it would make harmony and concordance between the ladies inside the castle. The arrangement worked and the outcomes were fruitful to such an extent that it turned into an organisation of the Ottoman Court from that point on.
Following quite a while of being a treat that was a secret fortune with Turkey, the nineteenth century saw an obscure British explorer find the treat and bring it back abroad. In the wake of neglecting to recollect the dish was customarily called Lokum, he renamed it Turkish Delight, which is the way that name became.
Since its first experience with the West in the nineteenth century, Turkish Delight has been appreciated by ages. Once generally eaten around Christmas time, being gently wrapped and given as a present to friends and family, Turkish Delight is currently a treat that is partaken in throughout the entire year.
Because of its basic recipe, Turkish Delight has figured out how to remain somewhat unaltered consistently. Lokum utilizes water, sugar, dried nuts and natural products, citrus extract and starch. The starch is actually the main perceptible change in the recipe, as beforehand molasses and flour were utilized. We don’t use nuts in our recipes as we operate a nut-free kitchen.
This recipe addresses the meaning of the expression “On the off chance that it isn’t broken, don’t fix it.” Centuries prior, probably the best confectioners in Turkey made this tasty treat and it has endured for an extremely long period – known overall for its special taste and texture.
Visit Andy&Sarahs online Turkish Delight shop Today